July 29, 2006


"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle..............victorious."
Vince Lombardi about victory

July 26, 2006

Sonniger Nachmittag

Da kann man sich auch mal was Gutes gönnen. Zum Beispiel einen Eisbecher oder ein Stück Torte. Dieser Vorgang hat etwas unglaublich entspanntes, sorgloses an sich. Vielleicht kommen hier Kindheitserinnerungen unterbewusst ins Spiel...

Where do we go?

Where will we meet in 10 years from now? Will we remember this day with a smile? Will we miss some of the things which are seen not so important today?
Will I post the answers to these questions in 2017 in this blog?
(just some senseless questions)

Photo: 25.05.2006 Barcelona, Puerta del Ángel

July 25, 2006

¡Que aproveche!

Dining at my favorite Tex-Mex restaurant, which has the fantastic name TEXMEX. The kitchen has never seen a Texan nor a Mexican cook. But I like the cooking style there, especially when I'm hungry after doing some sports like today...

July 24, 2006

Summer in Berlin

I love the reflections of the sun on the water surface and the boats full of tourists. Thats summer in Berlin.

July 22, 2006

Das Leben

Das Leben ist doch lebenswert.