For my final evening in Buenos Aires we went for a Argentinian beef feast once more. It was a rather small restaurant in San Telmo, barely recognizable from the street and breathes a long history inside. But inside it is huge, several rooms with at least 50 tables, which are completely crowded at night. I highly recommend the place:
El Desnivel.

I ordered the biggest steak from the menu (I guess at least 800 gramm) and it was perfect, a dream of a steak!! Enjoyed the wine, the salad and the homemade fries as well...

As I said, the place was crowded. Well, even the Lonely Planet recommends it...

A strong coffee (cortado) was a must after finishing the meal, in order to stay awake for the second highlight of this evening.

At this night a group of actors from the local theater presented an open air show "The ghosts of San Telmo", were they guided the audience along several spots of thge neighborhood with a strange history. For example a house where the ghost of an English sailor still lives :-) and a place where someone was beheaded in the past.

It was indeed spooky and entertaining...

When the show was over it still was about 30 degrees, close to midnight, so we needed some refreshments and had a good night to celebrate my farewell with other students from at least 10 different countries.