Without a long story just some pictures which I took while spending one evening in the city of Hamburg, as usual in bad weather:
The city hall, a famous sight,...

..and also other buildngs are built next to one of the many channels and waterways which cross the city.

The memorial of the
Zitronen-Jette, she even has a wiki-article, unbelievable. The statue is located next to a home for sailors and is said to bring luck for the next journey when she is touched before the departure, so the finger of her is pretty polished by the many sailor touches...I touched it myself and was successful with my exam the next day, so it is proved ;-)

Michel, the most famous church and a landmark of Hamburg is a beauty from the inside..reconstructed to perfection after several damages.

One can climb the spire..which I did (using the elevator:-)...

...and so I had a breathtaking view of the city, the harbour and the North Sea in the far background..