Poor Beirut. I visited it in 2003 and they were so proud how they recovered from the civil war. There where so many new buildings, the tourists were back and the country was beautiful again.
Now there are bombed back into ruins.
As far as I understand (as a simple mind) the story developed this way:
- first the one side kidnapped three
- the other side killed some in return
- then the one side fired some rockets and killed some innocents
- the other side bombed 50 innocents to death
- the one side sends more rockets, killing again more innocents
- the other side sends the whole army, killing many more innocents and destroys the country
Let's see how far this can get...
And the world is taking part as spectators. Some sell new bombs to the war parties. Thats obvious bad. Some send money to help rebuild the highways and bridges and some are sending ships to help the refugees. That seems to be good. But at all the later ones only pay to to salve their consciences that they do not help to stop the fighting.
An army combined of the major countries of the world is fighting some muslim terrorist in the mountains of Afghanistan, but nobody intends to stop fighting right next to Europe...
Maybe I'm too stupid to understand the profound and sophisticated policy of the civilised world...
Photos: Beirut 2003