Today is Halloween, a special day in San Francisco and the rest of the US. The teacher were alreayd dressed up in the school this morning. In the second lesson for today we watched Friday the 13th. Very funny these horror movies from the eighties.
After school a group of students including me went to the Halloween parade in the Castro district, thats the district with the rainbow flags. But it was rather disappointing: no music, no drinks, no trucks with good looking dancers on it...everybody was just walking around.

Of course I dressed up, too (but forgot the sunglasses). Unfortunately I was not the only one with that particular idea, but we decided to forgive each other :-)

And there were many special dressed men, but less than I expected.

It was very cold, in the low fifties. I don't know how they survived it without getting a cold..

And there were nice dressed girls as well...

There were many other funny costumes. Unfortunately my pocket camera is not very good at night, so many photos are not sharp. It seems I urgently need a new camera :-)