The forecast didn't lie, it was such a perfect day! So we picked up the car in the early morning and started to the south, crossing the Bay Bridge. For some hours we saw the typical american highway picture.

After some hours and a late breakfast we reached the bay of Monterey, a nice place.

Beside many nice houses along the coast there was nothing than a beach, a yacht harbor and another Fishermans Wharf, the small brother of the Fishermans Wharf in San Frncisco.

We decided to enjoy a bay cruise with this ship. It was so relaxing to sit on the boat, to enjoy the sun and to see the beautiful coast.

Just like the Fishermans Wharf in S.F. they had sea lions, too. This time we were able to see them from the near.

This one watched me all the time :-)

In the evening, after driving through Carmel-by-the-sea without having time to stop and to take photos we reached our hotel just in time for our Thanksgiving celebration.

Of course there is roasted turkey...

...and football....

...and cold beer! ;-)Happy Thanksgiving!!