After a good breakfast, consisting of a pumpkin cream-cheese muffin and a coffee latte, we took of to go to Yosemite Park today.

It took some hours of driving, so we reached Yosemite Valley, the center of the national park, in the early afternoon. Since we had only a couple of daylight hours left we decided to take part in a guided bus tour to see and learn as much as possible about the park.

Yosemite is photographers paradise, but the bus stopped only two times. The first stop was in front of El Capitan, a huge granit block which is overlooking the valley.

The second vista spot where we stopped is called tunnel view. Here we had an amazing scenic view over Yosemite Valley. It was nearly to good to be real.

In the last minutes of daylight we went for a short walk to Yosemite Village. On the way we came across a couple of american black bears. They had dinner just some steps away from the tourists. The bears aren't a unusual sight in the Valley, every trash bin etc. is bear-protected and there are many warning signs that warn not to leave food in the cars or tents because bears smell it and break the car windows open. We were lucky, the bears didn't detect our bag with chips and chocolate :-)

In the evening we drove one hour to reach our Best Western motel. There we found out that I had used the address of another Best Western motel in the navigation system and we had to drive another hour in order to reach the hotel where our room was reserved :-(