For todays breakfast I bought a coffee and a carrot muffin and went to Union Square again. It was kind of foggy, but not cold.
Despite of the giant size of the american coffee cups I dislike that it's always a paper cup. Even if I sit down on a table INSIDE the coffee shop I have to drink my coffee out of a paper cup. So the taste of the coffee is always the same, like paper. It's very funny to read the slogan "The world's finest cup of coffee" (see picture) on a paper cup, at least for a non-american.
And the giant size of the regular american coffee cup has created a funny habit, you see many many people walking on the street carrying a paper cup of coffee in their hands. That's strange to me. So the coffee is cold and tastes like paper...

After breakfast I went to pick up my race pack for tomorrow. The distribution point was the Hyatt Hotel on Fisherman's Wharf. I decided to take the direct way, which goes straight over Nob Hill and Russian Hill, two hills in the neighborhood. It was very hard to walk these steep streets, but on the other side there was a beautiful view from the hilltops..

View to the South.

View to Finance District.

The Bay Bridge (has the same size like her sister, the Golden Gate Bridge, and was built at the same time, but is not so famous. But that's an usual issue between siblings :-).

And of course the fog.