Sunday means Football. This time we went to see the S.F. 49ers for the first time. Today they hosted Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers. The 49ers stadium (called Monster Park) looked much older than the Raiders stadium, but the athmosphere was more fun.

The 49ers started very impressive. In one of the first plays Frank Gore, number 21, broke loose and headed for the endzone. Everybody was cheering so he started to celebrate early and was tackled from behind just a couple of yards before reaching the endzone. This was the first of many 49ers errors, so again we didn't see a win of the home team, though they had some good plays as well :-(

The 49ers cheerleaders have the name "Goldrush".

The police showed up a couple of times to escort a fan from the stands to the outside. The reason was not clear to me...

Again it was fascinating to see supporters of both side sitting together so close without any trouble. Here is one of the famous "cheeseheads" (nickname of the Green Bay Packers fans). Green Bay belongs to the state of Winsconsin which is famous for agriculture and it's cheese.

Short after the half it became clear that the Packers were the best team today. Brett Favre (#4) played great and flawless.

Here is one of the best Green Bay plays: the receiver is totally uncovered in the 49ers endzone for an easy touchdown.

The final result was 19:30. Hopefully we will see at least one victory in the remaining games.