After a rather relaxed day we started the celebration of New Years Eve with a dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant. I had a chicken noodle soup and something delicious with a difficult name :-)

Our idea was to watch the fireworks at midnight. Since nobody could tell us where it was going to happen and even the internet was not helpful on that we just guessed where to go. So after a warmup drink at the hotel party room we went there.

The streets were very crowded, so we had to hurry to make it on time.

It turned out that we had chosen the perfect spot. The fireworks was fired right in front of us from a boat next to Bay Bridge.

The fireworks were beautiful with many colors and forms including even a smiley. Everybody was impressed.

I took some more pictures on the way back. After arriving at the hotel we joined the party there again. I talked to many interesting people from allover the world there and when I went to bed it was already day outside :-)