That day I had decided to climb up the Victory Column with my camera. Only about 250 steps, but I was dead when my untrained legs took me to the observation deck.

Usually I see at least one traffic accident somewhere when I drive through the huge roundabout, but this time it was a calm was a Saturday..

The view is very nice. The column is right in the middle of the Tiergarten, the green heart of Berlin. Five major streets are connected by the roundabout.

The view toward the Brandenburg Gate and the TV tower. On this part of the Strasse des 17. Juni all of the Love Parades took place and the public viewing during the Soccer World Cup attracted one million party guests (including me :-).

The view along Hofjägerallee toward Potsdamer Platz. Not much to identify, I need a tele zoom lens...

Eventually the west view. On the left side we see the Teufelsberg, an artificial hill made from war debris, with the former NSA station on its top.