Today, which started cloudy and chilly, we decided to hike uphill to the touristical highlight of the valley, a white Jesus statue on the summit of Monte S. Biagio, overlooking the valley and spending spiritual support.
After following the rather short descritpion of a rather short guidebook we found the small path right through the woods.

This small but quick rising path made us feel like pilgrims.

A more religious writer than me would probably describe the allegory of this demanding and angled small path uphill to the human life, both with the destination to stand in front of the holyness eventually :-)

Besides the physical effort the way way simply beatiful and relief to a stressed city man. Every couple of stepps the trees parted and gave way to an amazing view over the valley and the hillsides.

Then, suddenly, Jesus was visible from a distance. (Klick for a bigger picture).

To be continued....