To recover from the exhaustive field day, the Day 4 was scheduled for to stay at home, well, the temporary home.
The day started cloudy, the sun was barely visible behind the clouds.

The sea view was almost black and white only.

Then, after patiently waiting while sipping delicious Italian coffee from the small espresso maker, it became sunny....yeah.
So I quickly took sunglasses and book and moved to the terrace :-) The picture looks as if I even took off the t-shirt...actually I don't remember. It was quite hot in the sun - but chilly in the shadow...a constant change of the number of clothing layers was necessary.
The book on the chair was Imperium by Robert Harris, a recommendable one.

The house in front of the mountains...nice location, besides the cloud-stopping feature of the rock.

As the sun began to set it was high time for checking out the local table wine. First impression yesterday was terrible, but today it was almost good, it just needed to breathe.

In the evening it got really cold outside, around 10 degrees. Fortunately we had the luxury of a well working fireplace. After just 4 days I was already a believing ruralist (is this a regular word? Not sure... :-)