Then along some tall buildings of companies like Microsoft, Sun and IBM. The IBM building is something special, it sits on only two small stilts. I guess I wouldn't want to work in there.

An old building between the modern ones..

Then I reached the first target of today: Buenos Aires Design. A fine place to buy furniture and other things for interior design.

Integrated into the complex is the Hardrock Cafe Buenos Aires.

Some pictures of the shop windows:

After looking at all these things I became thirsty. First I wanted to have a coffee on the sunny terrace outside, but there it was way too hot...

..so I chose the small cafeteria inside...

Then back outside, through the green alleys and parks of the Recoleta district.

Found the Eva Peron memorial...

... and the National Library, which has a very interesting architecture, like so many buildings here.

A rather classical beauty is the building of the Museo de Artes Decorativo. Unfortunately it wasn't open already, so I postponed my visit to another day.

Another interesting piece of architecture is the building of the Automobil Club Argentina.

Still in the park area of Recoleta..

..I reached the main attraction of this day: the Museo Nacional des Bellas Artes.

I indulged myself in the fine arts once more...although I have to admit that it felt rather small compared to the last museum of arts I visited: the Metropolitan in New York :-)

From the sculpture terrace one has a view of the building across the road, which has a rather German neoclassical architecture which was in fashion among dictators around the world in the 40's of the last century.