A fine Sunday with again about 34 Celsius in the shadows, almost too hot to be outside. I decided to walk the city anyway, once more several kilometers. But most of the time on the side of the street which is in the shadow, a habit learned in the first days here from the locals.

It was about noon when I felt I needed a break, so I went in one of these lovely old cafes. I love these with the old wooden chairs and tables, nothing fancy, nothing for tourists, just plain old neighborhood cafe shops. Like a handful of other old men in the otherwise empty cafe I pulled out the Sunday edition of La Nacion, ordered a coffee and two medialunes and started to read for an hour, right next to the open window. Inside the large room a couple of old ceiling fans tried to cool the hot air which came in from the outside. It was almost silent on the street, only an occasional car or some pedestrians passed. I love these places :-)
Then, after another hour of walking I reached
Abasto Shopping, the biggest mall inside the city limits of Buenos Aires...with about 250+ stores. Spent there several hours :-)

Among the three McDonalds restaurants is one which serves kosher hamburgers, because it's an jewish neighborhood. As far as I know it is the only one outside Israel.

For the kids they have also almost anything possible, including an indoor giant wheel and sort of a cable car.

Back home, in the evening, I was disturbed again by strange sounds outside :-) This time it were the firefighters, looking for the source of some smoke from the building behind the beer advertisement on the other side of the street. Eventually they left without doing anything, the smoke had suddenly stopped. Probably someone had an extra smokey barbecue (