Somewhere in midtown west, around 47th street, we discovered a diamond road, with countless jewelers side by side, even people trying to talk you into some of them.
They looked so nice, but I didn't bought one this time :-)
Then ahead through the streets. It was a sunny day, although the tall building created lots of shadows...
Passing my dream car...
..we arrived at the UNO-building. Well, nothing more to see here than just an old office building...
Next stop was supposed to be the highlight of today's tour: the Empire State Building.
The interior is remarkable once more. We mainly saw elevators from the inside, though.
Then there it was: the stunning view over New York City at night. AWESOME as the Americans would say it :-) Unfortunately the small camera wasn't able to catch too many details, but at least the mood of the moment.
After leaving the cold observation deck in the 86th floor of the ESB we went home to the Times Square. On the way we stopped for the famous Macy's Christmas shop window decoration.
For our last evening we had dinner at Hooter's, a nice place with famous BBQ wings :-) Then, back home, we made another exciting discovery: seriously there's a sport called Lingerie Football! We found out that we liked it :-) and so we watched a game having a last Budweiser...