October 03, 2013

Hongkong - Day 13

Today was all about food and tea. After school we went for lunch to Hong Kong Park. There is a nice open air restaurant and the weather was good, so it was an easy choice. Haven't seen many open air restaurants so far..

I had Japanese eel, with Miso soup and some appetizers. Was good, again...
Later I discovered that Japanese eel is on the Greenpeace seafood red list. Sorry...

After this we sampled some different teas in the LockCha tea house. Between white tea, green tea and Ooolong tea I preferred the green tea. I took some home, including the utility to brew it the right way :-)

Later, for supper I bought street food. First these pork dumplings which I had last time. 

Then some strange things. I ordered it pointing since I wasn't sure of the name. Even after eating it I don't know what it actually was. The red one was something vegetable, semi-dried with sweet-sour taste. The yellow balls might have been fish balls...but maybe not :-) 
It tasted rather strange...but I'm still alive so far :-)