August 04, 2006

Cat in the sun

Sometimes I have the impression there are too many thoughts in my brain. They are talking to each other, changing their look and sometimes changing their places to confuse me. Some of them are very happy and some are sorrowful. Some are very new and some are still waiting since many years to be thought to an end. Some are always in the foreground and some others are only visible at special times, for example when I'm lying on the bed, waiting to fall asleep.
Some are very important and some are only useless waste.
There are so many that it's very hard to separate them. It's like an orchestra is playing...

I remember when I was a boy there where times, when I had only one thought. For example on christmas eve or on the last day of school before summer holidays. I feeled a simple, pure happiness on such days. There where no long term problems or decision to be made.
I never experienced this feeling again when I grew up.

There are some meditation techniques to reduce or shutdown the thoughts, I have to try it. Someday I would really like to be able to switch everything off and enjoy the moment only, like a cat lying in the sun....