October 14, 2008

Hinteres Schöneck 3134 m

Following the gurgling sound of the water from the glacier we went for the Hinteres Schöneck, although I prefer the beautiful melodic Italian name Dosso Bello di Sentro to the sharp German words. Most part of the trail was quite easy - if you don't think about the abyss right next to you :-) But the last couple of hundred meters was serious climbing, at least to me as a beginner it felt like climbing, I had to use the hands too :-)
Then, again, it was a great moment on top, above the surroundings.Reaching the top makes happy, partly because of the achievment and partly because from that moment on it's only downhill :-)
Back at the timberline....
...we took a rest at the Kälberalm, a place where the humans are fenced in and the cows with their cowbells live a happy life..