June 19, 2010


Well, in the meantime it's summer already :-) As a break from the weekly business routine we spent a long weekend in Radebeul, near Dresden. It is the perfect getaway location for someone like me. The houses, rolling hills and the vineyards under the blue sky looked pretty much like Tuscany. And it's just a two hours drive from Berlin.

And to make things even better I found another spot for my virtual collection of restaurants at an exceptional vista point. This one is in front of the Spitzhaus, built in 1622, a house where French, Greek and, of course, German Kings slept since then because of the beautiful location. (sorry, took no photo of the house itself, was distracted by the lovely view:-)

Of course we went there for dinner this evening. As a starter I had different kinds of goat cheese with strawberries, flavoured with green pepper and Balsamico vinegar, a surprising good combination..

Then, after fish and meat -yes, I was hungry after climbing the hills the whole day- I had the local Saxonian signature cake, the almost famous Eierschecke for dessert.
I liked it, so we went there again the next day and I had one more of it:-)