November 09, 2013

Hongkong - Day 49

I nearly missed to mention that the last post was the 500th post of this blog...unbelievable!!!!! How may hours of my life could have been used much better than in front of the computer trying to upload pictures??? :-)

Nevertheless one more day to report: a trip to the southern side of HK island. After a hike to Aberdeen and a bus ride along the coast to Stanley we had to admit, that Stanley is as tourist trap as everybody told us. Don't go to Stanley!
I stayed away from the Market but ran into as many Germans as in the whole 7 weeks before in total. For a drink we had the choice between Starbucks and McDonalds, do I have to say more? We went into McDonalds because of the nice looking coffee...

The bay was nice, though.

The Stanley pier was moved from Central..looked rather artificial everything thing was the weather..